Ipe & Wood Deck
Cleaning Process
Wood Restoration/ Cleaning Process
We utilize a multiple step, soft wash process that first cleans the wood and then brightens it. Each deck and wood offers different challenges. There are different cleaners for different situations. Our General Wood Cleaning process is:
Pre-wet the Surface. It is important to wet the wood so that the surface of the wood is cleaned and the cleaner does not absorb deep into the wood. The mold and mildew are generally on the surface of the wood. The water protects the deeper wood and keeps the cleaning agent on the surfce for the necessary dwell time for an effective restoration.
Apply the Cleaner to the wood surface. Applying the correct cleaner, ratio and the proper dwell times allow the surface to be cleaned with as little pressure as possible to gain the desired results. Using too much pressure to clean a wood surface can cause furring or small splinters in ipe decks.
Rinse. Cleaning products left on the wood surface can dry the wood out and cause damage to the surface. If applying a stain it could cause failure to adhere, therefore, we rinse thoroughly to ensure the product is removed from the surface.
Apply the Brightener. Using a specialized wood brightener, after cleaning, restores the PH balance and brings out the natural tannins in the wood for an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Rinse. As with all products if left on a surface without being rinsed down it could damage the surface. Once rinsed the deck is able to be walked on.